We've entered a new era. It's the new world after the pandemic. This era challenges everything from the economy to business models. It also opens doors of opportunities like never before. The new normal opportunities to grow better and have a more valuable business.
Many Canadian business owners are trying to make sense of the current economic cycle. While there is no perfect answer, there's a predictable pattern. Every cycle generates opportunities. Businesses that are looking beyond the buzzwords are ready to capture opportunities. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is here to stay and be part of our lives. It can be a good tool for productivity. Can AI also stand for Actual Intelligence? Human insight, connection, and belonging are the value drivers of business growth. Last but not least, local is back! Canadians are looking for and prefer local businesses. The new era is the shift away from global to local. Businesses that create local value will grow better and become more valuable. Welcome to a new era and to the first issue of Canadian Business Owner. Multicultural Entrepreneurs Business Community magazine.
Published! Canadian Business Owner magazine winter 2023 edition. Available online to view at mebccanada.com. Special thanks to all the contributors, supporters, and the Canadian Business Owner business community. Canadian Business Owner magazine is registered with ISSN Canada: ISSN 2817-1926. The online magazine will be published quarterly. Click on the magazine below to view it. |
Rasheed WalizadaFounder at Multicultural Entrepreneurs Business Community (MEBC Canada). An entrepreneur with 20+ years of expertise in developing business & real estate projects with and for owners and investors. Categories